Zehra Ali
2 min readDec 8, 2020



“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” — Chinese Proverb

It always takes time for a good thing to happen and maybe because of this reason of “long journey of time”, people are afraid even to take the first step.

They give up quickly. Why? maybe because their goals aren’t set, their path isn’t clear, or maybe that the journey seems overwhelming.

The thing about your plans or your long-term goals; your career or anything else, is that they aren’t accomplished in a single day!

Every time you have to take one small step in the direction of your goals or dreams.

For example, writing a book can seem like a huge task. However, what if you committed to writing just one page a day? And by the end of the year, you will have written a 365 pages book!

People are more focused on the result and forget about the changes they were making by taking those small steps to fulfill their dreams.

Another example, if you want to start working out more, rather than taking the bus to work, perhaps you may ride a bicycle, or walk. All of that additional walking or cycling will add up over time. And since you’re reaching to work besides, you’ll as well utilize that opportunity to fit in a few works out as well.

It doesn’t matter how little these things are. As long as they are action steps that will move you closer to your goal, they will lead you in the right direction.

Here’s a tip for you guys to keep motivated towards your goals.

Chunk your goals down into an arrangement of small but achievable steps — put them on a list, and after that cross them off that list, one by one.

It’s okay if you don’t know every single step, you’re reaching to ought to take to attain your objectives. The main thing is, to begin with, the self-evident things and after that inquire others for direction along the way.

Don’t try to do too much at once, don’t try to jump all at once. Take baby steps and notice the change you are making. Try to set aside some time each week to review everything you’ve achieved, and you’ll be amazed at how far you’ve progressed — and you’ll be even more excited to continue your journey.

